# Paperback: 205 pages
# Publisher: WileyBlackwell; 2nd Edition edition (22 Mar 2000)
# Language English
# ISBN-10: 0632054034
# ISBN-13: 978-0632054039
# Product Dimensions: 23.5 x 15.7 x 1.2 cm
I would highly recommend this book to anyone starting a medical degree and other anatomy related courses. Instant Anatomy charts the course and distribution of every artery, vein, set of lymphatics, and nerve (cranial, peripheral and autonomic). This is done in a very simple style with a diagram on one side and any text on the side opposite. Quite frankly a goldfish could read this book and get an anatomy degree. Probably the most impressive section is that on the muscles. This is great for revision with each muscle listed alongside it's origin, insertion, action and innervation. Also included is information on joints, ossification times, foramina (in full detail), other spaces and positions of structures according to vertebral levels.
You will need a more pictorial anatomy text to accompany this to get the full picture. But I cannot stress enough that this a perfect book if you are learning anatomy.
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