# Plastic Comb: 240 pages
# Publisher: William C. Brown; 3rd edition (June 30, 1999)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0072903325
# ISBN-13: 978-0072903324
# Product Dimensions: 10.7 x 8.8 x 0.4 inches
# Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds
Product Description:
This unique atlas is a study guide to the anatomy and actions of human skeletal muscles. It is designed for use by students of anatomy and physiology, physical therapy, chiropractic, medicine, nursing, physical education, and other health-related fields. This concise, compact reference shows the origin, insertion, action, and innervation of all human skeletal muscles.
Atlas of Skeletal muscles is a basic book on anatomy which clearly illustrates each of the skeletal muscles in line drawing form. Bones to which the muscles attach are highlighted so you can clearly see point of origin and insertion. Small text section beneath or beside each illustration demonstrates Origin, Insertion, Action and connecting nerve.
It's spiral binding allows the book to lay flat when needed for ease of study. A basic, beginner book for students of anatomy, and one which I would reccomend. It was a textbook of mine in Massage Therapy school.
I have used this book constantly since I bought it for my human anatomy dissection lab a few years ago. The clarity it provides by giving each muscle its own illustration is unparalleled. The summary pages are excellent as well. I recommend this to my fellow yoga teachers and students, and use it frequently in the classes I teach.
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